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Missions at the fort

Why go?

At The Fort, we take the Great Commission seriously. The Lord commands us to make disciples AS WE GO. From working in our local community to travelling the world, we proudly serve alongside, partner with, and stay connected to various ministries and organizations. If you would like more info please click out the links below. 


We believe in living sent, locally and globally. We invest our time and resources in reaching the un-reached. the un-churched. The de-churched. We are passionate about expanding our borders through missions and church planting. Some of our key ministry partners include:

Hope Builders Ministries - Africa and Indian missions

Straight Street International - Nicaragua missions

Open Eyes Ministry - Costa Rica missions


We regularly team up with local organizations, schools, churches, and businesses to positively impact our community and reach our neighbors with the gospel.

Mission Agape
NOW at
The Fort Church!

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